Tuesday, July 27, 2010
By Kelly Hartog Lindsay Lohan's hopes of seeing freedom before the end of July were dashed today by the prison authorities.
'She won't be released this week,' said Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department spokesman Steve Whitmore.
The 24-year-old actress is just six days into her 90-day sentence for violating probation on two drunk-driving charges dating back to 2007 but had been hoping to see the back of her cell this month.
Visiting time: Lindsay's attorney Shawn Chapman Holley, left, visiting her client in jail today and sister Ali and mother Dina, who also turned up
However, due to overcrowding at Lynwood jail, officials say she may only serve 13 days of her sentence.
The Mean Girls star has already had her sentence reduced by two days for time served when she was previously in custody. If Lohan serves just 13 days she could still in theory be released on Sunday August 1.
However, even though she's spent less than a week in jail, Lohan is definitely finding the going tough.
'It was hard for her not to see her family over the weekend,' Lohan's attorney Shawn Chapman Holley told People Magazine after visiting her client at the jail yesterday morning. 'She obviously wants to see her family.'
Lohan had already used up her two allotted family and/or friend 30-minute weekly visits. One was from her mother and sister Ali, and the other from her ex-girlfriend DJ Samantha Ronson.
As a result, the only one allowed to visit the actress over the weekend was her attorney.
However, today Lohan finally saw her mother and sister again.
Ali, 16, kept her head down and wore a baseball cap. However, Dina, 47, did not appear to be concerned by the attention as she arrived.
Jail bound: Lindsay Lohan blinks back tears moments before Judge Marsha Revel orders her to be taken into custody
Meanwhile, Alexis Neiers, the 19-year-old reality TV star who was released from the same cell block as Lohan Friday night, spoke with E! website about being in the same jail section as Lindsay.
Neiers only served 30 days of her six month sentence for being part of the celebrity 'bling ring' that burgled stars' homes, including Lohan's.
Neiers, who enjoyed a meal out with friends at Katsuya sushi restaurant in Hollywood on Satuday night, said while she could not speak with Lohan because both were in protective custody, she did hear her crying.
'She was crying. I could hear her,' Neiers said. 'She was crying. She was talking to deputies and, you know, just trying to - I couldn't really like make it out, but from what I saw the first day, I mean, she was lying in there and just trying to like calm down.'
The taste of freedom: Lohan's 'prison neighbour' Alexis Neiers enjoys her first dinner out at Katsuya in Los Angeles on Saturday night, after spending 30 days in jail as part of the celebrity 'bling ring'
Labels: Celebrities, News Update