Friday, April 30, 2010
By Daily Mail Reporter Gabriella Cilmi
Two years after she was catapulted from obscurity into the charts with breakthrough pop hit Sweet About Me, Gabriella Cilmi is channelling a more mature look for her new album.
Having turned 18, Cilmi has put her teen pop days behind her for a sexy new style.
Promoting her second album and latest single Hearts Don't Lie, Cilmi strikes a sultry pose in a skimpy yellow swimsuit.
Despite her sexier image and recent photoshoot for FHM magazine, Cilmi insists she won't be a regular in men's magazines.
She said: 'I look at them and I laugh at them, because I know that they're not very representative of me, and who I am as a person, and what my music's about.
'I thought Pink's done it, Beyoncé's done it, all these people have done it, and I'm like, 'You only live once, why not give it a shot?
'Would I do it again? I don't think so. I guess you learn not to get caught up in the same stuff, you learn for next time. I don't regret it, but I wouldn't do it again.'
As part of her new disco diva image for her new album Ten, Cilmi shows off her dancing skills in variety of colourful dresses in the fast-paced video for Heart's Don't Lie.
In a recent interview, Cilmi admitted her dresses are so tight, she fears she may collapse.
Winning formula: Cilmi's new single sees her reteam with pop production house Xenomania
She said: 'I love the whole disco fever thing - but sometimes my dresses are so tight, I feel like my lungs are going to collapse.'
Hearts Don't Lie sees Cilmi re-team with English pop production house Xenomania, who have been responsible for most of Girls Aloud's biggest hits.
It's the second release from her new album Ten, which Cilmi describes as 'lots of uptempo funk and disco-inspired numbers designed to make people groove'.
Now based in England, the Melbourne-raised star admitted she's got a crush on young royal Prince Harry.
She told the Mail On Sunday's Live magazine: 'It's Harry's freckles that do it for me. They're so cute. In the very unlikely event that he asked me to marry him I'd have to decline.
'I'd never fit in at Buckingham Palace. If you'd ever seen me eat at the dinner table you'd understand. I attack my food. I need to wear bibs. My family have learnt to sit at a distance because my food flies everywhere. I don't think the Queen would approve.'
• Cilmi's new album Ten is on sale now. Her new single Hearts Don't Lie is out on June 7.
Labels: Celebrity Gossip, Music
By Chris Beanland Life-cycle: The £6m ad for John Lewis shows infancy, a birthday party, a clumsy kiss in a university corridor, marriage, parenthood and the path into old age
Sometimes we forget just how short and precious our time on this planet really is. It's for this reason that John Lewis's new television ad seems to have struck an uncharacteristic chord.
You won't find many people admitting to crying over the usual flood of formulaic adverts on our screens - yet this 'moving' ad has got Britain talking - and sobbing into their breakfast bowls.
At 91 seconds long, and costing £6million, the ad has been watched an incredible 100,000 times in the single week that it has been available on YouTube.
Scroll down to see the video
The premise is simple - the life cycle of a woman from birth to old-age. But like all classic ads - and this is surely destined to become one - this simplicity is where its strength lies.
The ad shows infancy, a girl's birthday party, a clumsy kiss in a university corridor, marriage, pregnancy, parenthood and the path into old age.
It is similar to the stunning 'life-cycle' sequence in the animated Pixar film Up, which moved many to tears.
Hit: At 91 seconds long, and costing £6million, the ad has been watched an incredible 100,000 times in the single week that it has been available on YouTube
Marketing technique: The prop department only used products available to buy in store at John Lewis
Its score is a reinterpretation of Billy Joel's Always A Woman, performed by Fyfe Dangerfield, of the band Guillemots.
Dangerfield now plans to release the track on May 3 and it could be destined for the top of the charts.
Although some viewers may find it too sentimental, it's actually a pretty modern picture of Britain. There are matriarchal figures, multi-ethnic relationships and children among the expensive patio sets.
Its message is 'treasure life and your family'. But as one wag pointed out: why is the entire advert - which must span 70 years - set in a single era?
Treasure life: The entire advert which must span 70 years is however set in a single era
Production: The advert was made using nine actresses to play the woman from infancy to old age
Labels: TV Show
By Paul Revoir Passionate: The Doctor is caught off-guard as his companion Amy Pond grabs him for a kiss
Her revealing outfits have left fans in no doubt she is the most sexiest Doctor Who companion in the history of the hit science fiction drama.
*** Scroll down to watch video ***
Now Amy Pond is to appear in one of the most risque scenes the BBC show has ever seen as she forces herself on the Time Lord in her bedroom.
Viewers will be shocked to see Karen Gillan's character kissing the doctor played by Matt Smith as he is backed up against the side of his Tardis.
She even tells the 907-year-old Time Lord she doesn't mind if it is a just a one-night-stand - despite the fact he has already spurned her advances on a bed.
Wearing the trademark mini skirt, Amy even tries to undress the Doctor who briefly reciprocates when she kisses him before pushing her away in tonight's episode.
Quite how the more traditional Doctor Who fans will react to the scenes, which will air at tea-time, remains to be seen.
In a first for the show, Amy even jokes about how long it is since the Time Lord last had sex, makes suggestive innuendoes and provocatively lies down on the bed in front of him.
Heated: The Doctor responds and kisses Amy back but then pushes her away
It is unclear if she is acting out of character as part of a wider plot. When Billie Piper's assistant Rose Tyler lunged at the Doctor and kissed him in 2006 it was revealed that her body had been taken over by villain Cassandra.
The heated moment occurs when the attractive red-head takes the Doctor back home - when the Tardis touches down once again on the night before her wedding.
She then produces the wedding ring that she planned to don before she fled with the Time Lord.
And it becomes clear that Amy - who had been working as a kissogram - wants to do more than just talk as she begins flirting with him.
Scared: The Doctor looks horrified as Amy forces herself on him
Amy declares that fighting off the evil Weeping Angels, which feature in tonight's episode, has made her think about her life.
The flirty companion tells the show's hero that she has been thinking: 'About what I want. About who I want. You know what I mean.'
After he fails to get the hint, she then tells him 'Doctor in a word. In one very simple word even you can understand...' before she jumps on top of him on the bed.
He yells at her: 'You're getting married in the morning.'
Come here, sexy: Amy makes a pass at the Doctor after they land in her bedroom after fighting off the evil Weeping Angels
Geroff me! The Doctor spurns Amy and runs off the bed to the Tardis
Now in full seductress mode, Amy replies: 'Well, the morning is a long time away. What are you going to do about that?'
The stunned Doctor makes his escape to the other side of the room where the Tardis is parked, telling her: 'Amy listen to me I am 907 years old do you understand what that means?'
Amy: 'It's been a while.'
When he tells her the relationship could never work, she replies: 'You are sweet doctor, but I really wasn't suggesting anything quite so long term.' She then give him passionate kiss.
No escape: Amy is determined to get her Time Lord in bed
Then as if he has come to some revelation he says: 'I don't know why, I have no idea, but quite possibly the single most important thing in the history of the universe is that I get you sorted out right now?'
In a clear innuendo she replies: 'That's what I have been trying to tell you.'
The scenes are far cry from the more staid and stuffy days of William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton. But it is unclear how the modern family audience of the show will respond.
Actress Miss Gillan, 22, told Graham Norton about the scenes when she was interviewed for Monday's edition of his BBC1 chatshow. She told him that her long term boyfriend was 'cool' about the kissing.
You're getting married! The Doctor tries to push Amy away on the eve of her wedding day
She also said she was amused about being called the sexiest Doctor Who assistant ever.
Miss Gillan drew attention recently after she was spotted changing her outfit three times in a day.
Last week's episode of Doctor Who sparked outrage among 5,000 fervent fans - after ruining the cliffhanger ending with a trailer for a TV talent show.
The Corporation was forced to apologise to viewers after an animated cartoon of Graham Norton and an on-screen caption for entertainment show Over The Rainbow popped up during the gripping climax of the sci-fi television hit. Not the first time: The previous Doctor, played by David Tennant, is kissed by companion Rose Tyler, played by Billie Piper, after she is possessed by the last human, the villainous Cassandra
Labels: TV Show
By Paul Revoir Voice of an angel: 14-year-old Olivia wowed the Britain's Got Talent judges with her performance at the Manchester auditions of the talent show
A 14-year-old girl singer who 'daydreams' of being a star is being hailed as one of the favourites to win Britain's Got Talent.
Olivia, who appeared at one of the Manchester auditions, is regarded as being among the best singers on this year's show after performing Sarah McLachlan's In The Arms Of An Angel.
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She will appear on tomorrow night's show after wowing judges with her voice as she took on the difficult song
On the programme she says: 'I walk downstairs singing, maybe sometimes daydream whilst in maths class. I wonder if in 5 years time I could be an actual star singing in front of millions of people.'
Also on Saturday's show are a stripping forklift truck driver with a nose problem and a young boyband.
Thrilled: Olivia is happy to hear high praise from judges Piers Morgan, Simon Cowell and Amanda Holden
Jeff, who has a bandage around his nose, tells Simon Cowell and the other judges he wants to leave his forklift truck driver day job to perform. He tells them: 'I'm Jeff, I'm 41-years-old, I'm here to sing and if this works out for me I won't be working in a warehouse again!'
Jeff explains to Piers Morgan about the bandage: 'I had an operation on it last week to sort it out because I was snoring a lot at home.'
His act sees him stripping and using a skipping rope to Nelly the Elephant music.
Stripping and skipping: Contestant Jeff Derbyshire, a 41-year-old forklift truck driver, gets ready to do his act
Best friends: Ruth and Chantelle, aka Different Dreams perform their version of Barbara Dickson and Elaine Paige's I Know Him So Well
Teen boyband Connected tell the panel they are 'called Connected because we are all like family, we're brothers, twins and friends.'
The group is made up of 13-year-old twins Conor and Miles, Matt, 12, Harry, 13, and Max, 15.
After singing Backstreet Boys hit song, I Want It That Way, Amanda tells them their performance gave her goosebumps.
Husband and wife Claire and Clive, also known as Flute Magic, combine flute playing and performing magic.
Goose bumps: Boy band Connected gave Amanda Holden a spine-tingling moment after performing the Backstreet Boys song I Want It That Way
All that glitters: Girl dance troupe AKA dazzle in gold as they perform to a Tina Turner song
Clive says: 'I think Claire playing the flute and me doing the magic is that little bit of extra something that will make the judges sit up and say, 'yes this is what we need"'
Best pals Ruth and Chantelle, whose act is called Different Dreams also appear.
The pair, who first met at a bus stop, rehears at Chantelle's house. She tells the judges her mum is deaf so she doesn't get bothered by the noise. They perform their version of Barbara Dickson and Elaine Paige's I Know Him So Well.
Girl dance group AKA - aged between 10 and 20 - perform to a Tina Turner track.
Musical magic: Husband and wife duo Claire and Clive, also known as Flute Magic, combine flute playing and performing magic
Wings of a dove: Flute Magic's Clive shows off his magical skills
Labels: TV Show
[starttext] After seeing Gyuri and Hara teasers for their World Cup song, We’re With You, it’s the turn of Seungyeon!
It was definitely a joy to watch Seungyeon smiling and enjoying herself throughout the teaser.
She does have some skills with the soccer ball. It also makes you wonder when the whole music video is going to be out! We have two more teasers coming up first though with Nicole next and ending with Jiyoung.
Labels: Kpop
By Mail Foreign Service When space balloon launches go wrong: A cloud of dust is sent up in the air as the balloon crashes to the ground in Australia today
Bystanders were forced to flee for their lives today when the launch of a giant space balloon in the Australian Outback went badly wrong.
The multi-million pound balloon - along with its heavy payload of scientific equipment - ripped from its mooring and careened across the desert, overturning an SUV.
One witness said she felt lucky to be alive after the car-sized, unmanned gondola hanging beneath the balloon careened out of control into the vehicle parked next to hers at the launch site near Alice Springs
Damage: Scientists inspect the damage done to their multi-million pound equipment after the crash today
The balloon was part of a research project by academics and students at the University of California, Berkeley, and several Taiwanese universities designed to study gamma rays in space from 25 miles above the earth.
As the huge balloon filled with air, it ripped from its mooring and dragged across the desert, crashing into and overturning a parked four-wheel-drive vehicle and strewing debris across a wide area before coming to a halt.
No-one was injured in the accident, which was captured on video by an Australian Broadcasting Corporation television film crew.
In the way: The balloon overturned this SUV when it ripped from its moorings
Debris: Scientists inspect the damage to the equipment
Alice Springs couple Stan and Betty Davies were in their car when the gondola broke free and came lurching towards them, hitting the vehicle next to them.
'We were sitting in our car and preparing to move it out of the way and we were actually within about a foot of being wiped out,' Mrs Davies told ABC.
The exact cause of the crash was not immediately known, though wind gusts were suspected.
Aftermath: The wreckage of the balloon is gathered up after the failed attempt
Ravi Sood, an astrophysicist from the University of New South Wales who was overseeing the balloon launch, said quick-changing wind conditions could cause difficulties for launching such large balloons.
'Ballooning, that's the way it happens on occasions but it is very, very disappointing. Gut-wrenching actually,' Mr Sood was quoted as saying by ABC.
Equipment was being recovered from the site, and Mr Sood said the team hoped to try again next month to launch the balloon.
Labels: News Update, Science and Tech
By Mike Dickson When in Rome: David Ferrer beat Andy Murray in straight-sets
Andy Murray suffered his fourth defeat in five matches last night, but at least his third-round exit from the Italian Open was not one of the horror shows he has produced over the past month.
The British No 1 was outrallied by Spaniard David Ferrer and lost 6-3, 6-4 to the world No 17, a supremely quick baseliner who dashes around the court like the Duracell bunny.
The scoreline does not make happy reading for Murray, but this was a far more purposeful performance from the world No 5 than in his defeats in Miami and two weeks ago in Monte Carlo.
He was not despondent, saying: 'This tournament has been a step in the right direction. I have felt much better this week.
Down and out: Murray reflects after losing a point
'I was striking the ball at a different level from how I had done in the last two matches. I'm disappointed to have lost but if I keep playing like that then I will start going deep into tournaments again.'
But his travails of late mean Murray's clay-court season could be over before it has properly begun. He is scheduled to play only at the Madrid Masters the week after next before the French Open, where he made the quarter-finals a year ago.
A repeat or better at Roland Garros looks far away, despite signs of improvement against the trickiest thi rd-round opponent possible. You know that facing a Spaniard on clay is likely to be hard work, but Ferrer is one of the last you would want to meet apart from Rafael Nadal at the moment, especially when your confidence is brittle.
It is a sign of the players' form that bookmakers ignored the disparity in rankings to make the Scot a clear underdog, drawing on Ferrer's excellent record on clay this year that has seen him reach the semi-finals in his two previous events.
Man on a mission: David Ferrer has been in good form on clay this season
An avid reader who prides himself on finishing a book per week, Ferrer outlasted Murray in the longer rallies on the steep banked new Centre Court at the historic Foro Italico.
The 22-year-old Briton's first serve also let him down in the first set, Ferrer punishing his second delivery in the sixth game to go 4-2 up and bring winces from his compatriot, Alex Corretja, who is Murray's lead coach on clay.
But there was never any shortage of quality rallies, and it was to the Spaniard's credit that he hung in during the first half of the second set when Murray opened his shoulders and started looking more like the player who reached the Australian Open final three months ago.
At 3-2 down in the second set, Ferrer fought off a break point and then gained a decisive point of his own. Murray did not have the belief when it mattered and threw in unforced errors on crucial points.
The match was over in 96 minutes, leaving the British player searching for momentum ahead of Paris.
source: dailymail
Labels: Sport
Victory for Cameron in final TV debate as he turns his fire on Clegg: Tory leader's clean sweep of opinion polls
[starttext] Victory is mine! David Cameron addressing the party faithful after the third and final debate
David Cameron is victorious after clean sweep in snap polls
Tory leader attacks PM over disgraced banker Sir Fred Goodwin
Nick Clegg comes under fire for amnesty on illegal immigrants
Gordon Brown tries to argue 'my rivals aren't ready to govern'
All three leaders gloss over 'Bigot-gate' to focus on economy
A combative David Cameron scored a vital win over Nick Clegg last night as he tore into Liberal Democrat policies on immigration, Europe and tax.
A week before election day, the Conservative leader raised his game in the last TV clash with his two rivals.
He landed blows on an exhausted-looking Gordon Brown over Labour's knighthood for disgraced banker Sir Fred Goodwin and his plans to hike National Insurance for everyone earning £20,000 or more.
The Prime Minister closed with a startling admission that Labour is on course for defeat. 'I know if things stay as they are, David Cameron, perhaps supported by Nick Clegg, would be in office,' he said.
But he pleaded with voters to avoid what he called a 'coalition of cuts'.
Scroll down for video
Nervous: Nick Clegg and Gordon Brown bizarrely both lifted their legs as the debate progressed
Labour spin chief Alastair Campbell was overheard telling security staff that 'We've had it' following Mr Brown's poor performance.
He later insisted he had been talking about his football team, Burnley, relegated from the Premier League last weekend.
In a sign of how badly Labour thought the night went, it emerged party strategists complained five times during the course of the event to BBC moderators. The Tories and Lib Dems did not file any complaints.
Instant polls after the debate all pronounced Mr Cameron the winner - and gave the first indication that Mr Brown's slim chances of victory have been hit by his disastrous 'bigot' attack on a Labour-supporting grandmother.
Mr Cameron's aides were heard cheering as polls began to emerge declaring him the victor of last night's debate.
A YouGov survey for the Sun showed Mr Cameron gaining 41 per cent audience approval, with Mr Clegg on 32 and Gordon Brown on 25.
ComRes, for ITV News, gave Mr Cameron 35 per cent, Mr Clegg 33 and Mr Brown on 26. A third, by Angus Reid, gave Mr Cameron 36, Mr Clegg 31 and Mr Brown 23.
And the MailOnline's own poll, which initially showed Mr Clegg in front, also showed a Tory victory by midnight. It had Mr Cameron on 45 per cent, Mr Clegg on 43 and Mr Brown trailing on 12 per cent.
This morning Mr Cameron's lead had grown further to 51 per cent, Mr Clegg 37 per cent and Mr Brown 12 per cent.
Last chance saloon: The three party leaders in the fight of their lives at the debate in Birmingham
Last chance saloon: The leaders did battle in the impressive hall at the University of Birmingham
All three leaders pointedly ignored the biggest story of the week as they glossed over Gordon Brown's insult of a Labour-supporting pensioner who dared to question him over immigration.
They barely mentioned the furore, in which he called Gillian Duffy a 'bigoted woman', despite it being one of the most grievous election gaffes of modern times.
The Prime Minister even attempted to laugh off the scandal - dubbed 'Bigot-gate - by making a joke about the massive backlash against his unguarded comment.
In his opening pitch, he said: 'There's a lot to this job. And as you saw yesterday, I do not get all of it right. But I do know how to run the economy in the good times and in the bad.'
But despite devoting a full ten minutes to answering a question about immigration, the Prime Minister and his two rivals failed to make any further reference to the affair.
Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg may have chosen to ignore the issue to avoid provoking public sympathy for Mr Brown but their conspiracy of silence is likely to infuriate many voters who already feel alienated by the main parties.
Throughout the clash, the Conservative leader did not make the mistake of the first debate - where he ignored the threat of Mr Clegg in the face of attacks from Mr Brown.
Instead, he was able to parry the Prime Minister's assaults and reserve his strongest fire for the Lib Dem. Mr Cameron was scathing about Mr Clegg's plan for Britain to scrap the pound and offer an amnesty for 600,000 illegal immigrants.
Head-to-head: The three leaders are desperate to convince voters ahead of polling day next week
Final showdown: Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg confront each other in the last leaders' debate
In the eye of the storm: Gillian Duffy leaving her home in Rochdale yesterday
A rattled Mr Clegg attempted to claim he did not want to join the euro immediately and defended his migration plans, claiming his offer of citizenship did not amount to an amnesty.
Mr Cameron insisted that if the Lib Dem leader had his way, British taxpayers would be facing a multi-billion-pound bill to bail out the crippled Greek economy.
He also put tackling Labour's culture of welfare dependency at the heart of his bid for power - saying one of his priorities would be rewarding hard work and forcing those who could do a job to get off benefits.
Mr Brown retreated to his traditional 'cuts versus investment' stance - promising to protect schools and hospitals and attacking Tory plans to cut £6billion in wasteful government spending. Time and again, he attacked Tory proposals to scrap inheritance tax for everyone but millionaires.
Mr Brown said he had never been as angry as he was before he nationalised the banks, when he was told by a bank boss that the only problem he was facing was cash flow.
Mr Cameron landed a heavy blow on the Prime Minister as he said he must have been talking about the disgraced former head of the Royal Bank of Scotland, Sir Fred Goodwin.
Mr Brown had failed to regulate the banks and Labour had handed Sir Fred a knighthood, only to see him bring the economy to its knees.
Mr Clegg blundered badly on immigration - claiming five times that Mr Cameron's plan for an annual cap on non-EU migration would be ineffective because 80 per cent of migrants into Britain come from Europe.
In fact, the latest annual data from the Office of National Statistics show the real figure is a third.
Mr Cameron received a boost last night as the Economist magazine switched its support to his party, saying the Tories had been most clear about the need to cut back the size of the state.
Question 1: Why can't you be honest about spending cuts?Clegg: 'We've set out much greater detail than any other party - £15billion worth of savings - which are a sort of upfront down payment to deal with this huge black hole that we have in our public finances.
'Those are the kind of big decisions that you need to take, but what you can't do... is try and fool you into thinking that just efficiency savings are enough. You can't fill the black hole with just a few savings on pot plants and paper clips in Whitehall.'
He added that his party had set out detail in their manifesto on public sector pay restraint, cutting tax credits for the top 20 per cent of recipients, and scrapping the Eurofighter and biometric passport projects.
But he admitted: 'Clearly more work will need to be done.'
Brown: Labour has set out a four-year 'deficit reduction plan' starting in 2011 including 'tax rises that are fair, spending cuts that are equitable, and at the same time growth in the economy that is essential for recovery'.
'We have one principle that we are adopting and it's clear. We are not going to allow the frontline National Health Service, or schools or policing to be cut. We will find the cuts in other areas.
'Don't believe that we can fail to support the economy this year. If we fail to support the economy this year then we risk a double-dip recession and that's really the problem with the Conservative policy.'
He argued that it was crucial in an 'uncertain and dangerous world' not to remove £6billion from the economy, as he claims the Tories' curb on National Insurance rises would do.
He accused the Tories of wanting to remove the NI rise for 'ideological reasons', urging: 'Please let us not make the mistake of the 1930s, and the 1980s and the 1990s, and let us support the economy until the recovery is assured.'
Cameron: Politicians needed to be 'frank' about the fact cuts were coming and the Tories were the 'first to say' that cuts would have to be made.
'If I were your prime minister, I will do everything I can to protect the frontline services.' He insisted: 'We are not just relying on waste.'
Other plans include a public sector pay freeze and an extension of the retirement age, he said, but he insisted not enforcing Labour' 'job tax' was vital to getting the economy going again.
Mr Cameron said he was proposing to save one in every £100 and pointed to business support for his plans.
'We say roll up your sleeves now - let's save waste where we can to stop the taxes. It's the right thing to do and it will help get the economy moving.'
Question 2: What will you do about taxes?Brown: He admitted it had been 'tough in the last few years because of the recession' but argued: 'What we've tried to do when people are in difficulty is provide tax credits.
'We've brought down the basic rate of tax from 23p when we came in to 20p. At the same time we've raised the top rate of tax above £150,000 to 50p so that's there for ordinary hard-working families.'
Mr Brown said he did not believe in the Conservatives' plans to cut tax credits but 'at the same time give an inheritance tax cut to the 3,000 richest people in the country of £200,000'.
'Now that's not fairness, that's the same old Conservative party - tax cuts for the rich and cutting the child tax credits for the very poor, it's simply not fair.'
He added: 'Six million people in this country receive tax credits and the Conservatives and the Liberals have a plan to reduce tax credits for middle class families.'
The Prime Minister claimed that the Conservatives only wanted to help the 'richest estates in the country'.
Cameron: The Tory leader branded Mr Brown's attack 'very desperate stuff from someone who's in a desperate state'.
He said the taxpayer was having to pay 'more and more and more' as the Government had spent more and more and had been so careless at trying to stop wasting money.
'Obviously with the terrible situation we have with our public finances, with the mess left by Gordon and Labour, where out of every £4 the Government spends, one is borrowed - it's not possible to make great big tax giveaway promises. Even if it would be a lovely thing to do, you can't do it.
'But what we've said is let's try to stop the one tax that's going to hit the lowest paid people and that's the national insurance tax.'
The top rate of tax and extra tax on pensions could not be stopped, he said. 'But we are going to stop that one tax that would hit the lowest-paid the hardest.
'And let me just say this about tax credits - they would stay under a Conservative government. Gordon Brown has got to stop misleading families in this country like he's been misleading older people and cancer patients as well.'
On inheritance tax, he said: 'I believe if you work hard and you save money and you put aside money to try and pay down your mortgage on a family home, you shouldn't have to sell that or give it to the taxman when you die. You should be able to pass it on to your children. It's the most natural human instinct of all. The other two parties don't understand that.'
Clegg: He branded Britain's tax system 'grotesquely unfair'. 'After 13 years of Labour, who would have believed it? That you would have our tax system where multi-millionaires from the City of London pay a lower rate of tax on their capital gains ... than a cleaner does on her wages.'
'David Cameron says you can't afford tax giveaways - no you can't. What you can do is switch the tax system, make it fair, make sure those huge loopholes that only people at the top ... can get out of paying tax, close those loopholes and give the money back to people so they pay no income tax on the first £10,000 that you earn.'
Mr Brown said no-one earning under £20,000 would pay the national insurance rise.
The rise was necessary to ensure the future of the police and emergency services.
He also rounded on the Tory leader over his inheritance tax plans, arguing that he had given the 'most creative justification I've ever heard for giving tax breaks to double millionaires'.
Question 3: Is it fair for bailed-out banks to pay huge bonuses?Cameron: He said banks paying huge bonuses after they had been bailed out with taxpayers' cash was 'completely unacceptable' and needed to be 'sorted out for the future'.
The Tory leader declared that the Bank of England should be given responsibility for regulating financial institutions, rather than the Financial Services Authority.
He also promised to bring in a levy on banks unilaterally if necessary, and said he would emulate moves by President Obama to prevent retail banks engaging in the riskiest investment activities.
'(Retail banks) should not be behaving like casinos, taking wild bets,' he said.
After Mr Brown referred to ex-RBS chief Sir Fred Goodwin, he said: 'It was actually this government that gave this man a knighthood for services to banking. He not only broke his own bank, he very nearly broke down the whole economy.
Clegg: He promised that the Lib Dems would 'root out' the 'outrageous' abuse by banning cash bonuses above £2,500.
And he pledged that there would be no bonuses at all for senior staff if banks were making a loss.
Trying to set himself apart, he claimed: 'The blunt truth is that both Conservative and Labour governments have been far too close to the City of London for ages.'
Brown: The Prime Minister said he had taken the decisions to rescue Northern Rock, the Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB, protecting the deposits of millions of people.
He warned that bankers would never be allowed to 'act in such an irresponsible way again.'
'I have never been so angry as when I talked to the chairman of a bank who told me the night before his bank collapsed that all he had was a cash flow problem. I knew it was a structural failing that was absolutely fundamental and it needed to be recapitalised immediately,' he said.
He added: 'We do need a worldwide agreement to get a global financial levy that is charged in every country, so that we are not undercut by other countries and there is a race to the bottom.'
Question 4: How will you save the manufacturing sector?Clegg: Mr Clegg said he wanted to get the banks lending again, describing it as an 'outrage' that bailed-out banks were lending less.
'Unless we get the banks helping businesses, it is extremely difficult for them to expand their products, invest in their factories and actually invest in creating new jobs,' he said.
Pointing to the fact RBS had lent money to assist the Kraft takeover of Cadbury leading to job losses in Britain, Mr Clegg said: 'When you lent the money to the banks, did you think that money would be used to put people out of work in Britain? No, and it was wrong.'
He also set out plans to invest in green technologies and infrastructure.
Brown: Mr Brown said he had plans to create 400,000 jobs in low carbon industries, 500,000 in the digital industry and 100,000 in biotechnology. 'I'm optimistic about the British economy,' he added.
He reiterated the need to keep money in the economy, saying: 'We have got to face up to the fact that we have got to act now - we cannot take money out of the economy and we have got to support manufacturing, not withdraw the support.'
Cameron: Mr Cameron said the country was losing manufacturing faster than in the 1980s, setting out plans to invest in the science base and apprenticeships.
But he wanted lower taxes for businesses, saying 'we cannot ignore the basics' of 'making it easier for business to employ people'.
He said there was 'confusion between the Government and the economy' in Mr Brown's accusations, and said he wanted to cut red tape.
Mr Cameron also said government should give a quarter of its contracts to the small firms that would be the 'success stories of tomorrow', and remove National Insurance from the first 10 employees.
Question 5: Why do you ignore public concerns about immigration?
Cameron: 'Immigration in this country has been too high for too long, and that's why we have got a very clear approach to cut it and cut it quite substantially.'
Proposing a cap on non-EU migrants and 'transition controls' for new EU countries, Mr Cameron said he wanted to get back to a situation where net inward migration was in the tens of thousands not the hundreds of thousands.
He rounded on Mr Clegg, declaring: 'People do need to know that the Liberal Democrats propose an amnesty for illegal immigrants.
'Now that could mean that some 600,000 people who are here illegally would actually be allowed to stay here and be given full citizenship, access to welfare, access to council housing and could also each bring a relative into our country.
'That just doesn't make sense - that I think is a complete mistake which would make a bad situation we've had under 13 years of Labour even worse.'
Clegg: The Lib Dem leader accused the other parties of being 'misleading' as he battled to defend his policy of giving an amnesty to thousands of illegal immigrants.
He insisted that Conservative and Labour governments had 'created chaos in the immigration system' and this could not be ignored.
'Now they're here, OK? It's a problem. They're here whether we like it or not. And I'm saying for those people who've been here for a decade who speak English, who want to play by the rules, who want to pay their taxes, who want to come out of the shadows, do community service to make up for what they've done wrong, it's better to get them out of the hands of criminals...'
The Lib Dem proposal 'might be controversial' but 'get real - this is a problem you created, we now need to sort it on a one-off basis', he said.
He insisted: 'I'm not advocating an amnesty - in fact the only politician who is advocating a blanket amnesty is Boris Johnson, the Conservative Mayor of London.'
Something needed to be done about the people 'living in the shadows of our economy' - the other two parties wanted to 'deny this as a problem and hope that it would go away - it won't', he said.
'I'll tell you who benefits from this layer of people who have been living here for years and years and years in the shadows of our society - it's the nasty criminal gangs who exploit them, exploit it and create crime in our communities.'
He claimed a Conservative cap on immigration was 'complete nonsense' as 80 per cent of people coming into the UK were from the EU, and these numbers could not be capped.
Tories were advocating 'false hope', he said.
Brown: He dodged the question, declaring that the 'only reason' he went into politics was because he saw what was going on in his community.
'The reason I want to be in politics is to create jobs. And when it comes to immigration, I want to see a situation where we increase the number of jobs that people trained in Britain can take as we lower the numbers of people coming into this country.'
He said that was why unskilled workers from outside Europe had been banned from coming into Britain, and the number of semi-skilled and skilled workers was being reduced.
People were being trained up so that 'in the next few years, as we move forward out of this recession, the jobs will go to people trained in Britain'.
But he said he agreed with the Tory leader on about the amnesty. 'I can't see how you set out anything other than the worst possible message if you give an amnesty to people who come here illegally.'
Question 6: How will you help families get on the housing ladder?Cameron: He said he had 'every sympathy' because all too often, people who had saved and worked hard 'had hurdles put in their way'.
Others who did not play by the rules were often rewarded and this was 'not right', he said.
He said the priority was for more houses to be built. The planning system should be changed so that councils were rewarded for building homes.
Clegg: Mr Clegg said there were too many empty properties in Britain, which could be converted into family homes.
'We have a plan ... to convert 250,000 empty homes into homes that people can live in.'
Brown: Mr Brown said Labour had offered an array of help, including stamp duty relief for first time buyers, shared equity schemes and getting building societies to lend money.
He added: 'The housebuilding industry has really not served us well in this country and when the crisis happened, the building firms didn't have enough capital, weren't able to survive and so many went under.'
He said he was determined to keep interest rates low to benefit existing and would-be homeowners, branding the Lib Dems a 'risk to interest rates'.
Question 7: Why do people not contributing to society get benefits?Brown: Mr Brown insisted he had been bringing 'compulsion' into the welfare system. 'No life on the dole, that's my policy,' he said.
He stressed the Government was insisting that young people and those on long-term benefits took jobs when they could. 'These are the measures of compulsion.'
He tried to skewer Mr Cameron on the Tories' record, saying: 'We do not want a generation of young people growing up and not working. That is what happened in the 1980s under David's party.'
Cameron: The Tory leader turned the tables on the Prime Minister by shooting back: 'I am unsure about what country Gordon Brown thinks he is Prime Minister of... he caused record unemployment.'
He said Mr Brown should not try to pretend that his economic record was 'magnificent' as he argued that Government should tell people that if they can work, they had to.
'If you are offered a job that you can do and you do not take it then you can't go on taking benefits,' he argued.
Clegg: He said the Lib Dems wanted to help older people by restoring the earnings link for pensions immediately. 'Let's get on and do that,' he added.
The Lib Dem leader said he wanted to give people 'incentives' to work rather than keep piling benefits on them.
Question 8: How will you ensure deprived children get a fair chance? Brown: The Prime Minister pointed out that the Government had set up free nursery education, SureStart centres, maternity and paternity pay and higher child tax credits.
'That is the sort of way that we can help give chances,' he said, as he went on to set out measures for personal tuition and keeping young people in school.
'This is the way that we can have a new generation of middle class jobs in this country where young people from poor backgrounds can get the opportunities that they have never had before,' he said.
'You can't escape this fact about poverty. If you cut child tax credits, if you charge for nursery education, if you cut the schools budget then you put the future of these young children at risk,' he said.
He accused both parties of forming a 'coalition of cuts' on child tax credits and Mr Cameron of wanting to press ahead with the other cuts.
Of Mr Cameron, he claimed: 'He is making the people who are the poorest bear the cost of his policies while he has still got this ridiculous policy on inheritance tax.'
Cameron: Mr Cameron said he wanted to improve discipline in schools by giving teachers and headteachers more control. 'Discipline is the absolute foundation of a good education and right now it just doesn't work,' he said.
The Tory leader also set out his 'Big Society' plans to allow parents and teachers to set up new schools, saying he wanted 'choice, diversity and excellence' in the state sector.
Mr Clegg said his party would use £2.5 billion on a 'pupil premium' to be spent on the million poorest children and improve their educations.
'We have got a plan to deliver more one-to-one tuition, smaller class sizes to help those children the most in the crucial early years.
It would help end the 'link' between poverty and performance in the classroom that was 'holding back' so many children. 'Get it right at that early age and we can really help people in later life,' he said.
He accused the Prime Minister of having 'absolutely nothing left positive to say'.
'Thirteen years. Thirteen years of economic failure; 13 years sadly of quite a lot of educational failure; 13 years where inequality has got worse and poverty has got worse and which they haven't got to grips with the problems.'
He pledged to 'get the basics right' by teaching children to read and write using synthetic phonics and setting children by ability.
'Education is about the basics, yes. It's about aspiration, saying to every child, no matter where they come from, you can go all the way according to your talent.
'That's what education should be about, and that's what it would be under our government.'People would 'see straight through' Mr Brown's 'attempt to frighten people', Mr Cameron added.
Clegg: The Lib Dem leader said he did not think people on a MP's salary should be allowed to claim child tax credit at a time when money was tight, saying it should be focused 'where it is really needed'.
He vowed to spend £2.5billion raised from efficiency savings on educating one million poorest children.
'I see for myself as a father that what happens in early years at school is most important,' he said.
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Liverpool 2 Ateltico Madrid 1 (agg 2-2, Ateltico go through on away goals): United flop Forlan dashes hopes of an all-English final
By Matt Lawton Rescue man: Alberto Aquilani scores Liverpool's first goal, moments before the interval
When the stadium announcer declared at the end of normal time here last night that Fulham had progressed to the final of the Europa League, there was a great roar from the Anfield Kop that suggested Liverpool really fancied their chances of winning this competition.
It was mixed with applause. A sporting 'well done' for that remarkable little team from London. But you could also sense that feeling of anticipation. The misplaced belief that another major European trophy was about to follow for Rafa Benitez
This, however, has not been Benitez's season, on the contrary in fact, and in the end Diego Forlan saw to it that the Spaniard suffered what could be the last crushing setback of his Liverpool reign.
If the Anfield hierarchy really have made no attempt to ask Benitez if he would rather remain their manager than disappear to Juventus, losing like this is unlikely to hurry them into action. Atletico are not a particularly good side, Fulham might like to know, even if Liverpool made them look half decent.
His team were poor here last night, failing to build on an energetic first- half display, and a 44thminute goal from Alberto Aquilani, with a performance that in any way eased the threat of an away goal for the opposition.
They failed even to trouble Atletico's teenage goalkeeper, David de Gea, during the second half, only adding the goal they hoped would prove enough four minutes into extra time. Liverpool's best player on the night, and for some reason taken off by Benitez, Yossi Benayoun scored with a terrific first-time left-foot strike after accelerating on to a delightful chip from Lucas.
Under pressure: Ryan Babel battles with Atletico's Alvaro Dominguez for the ball
That it was Forlan who then delivered the riposte eight minutes later was depressingly predictable. Once a tormentor here in a Manchester United shirt and again in Madrid last week, the Uruguayan forward popped up unmarked to meet a ball from Jose Antonio Reyes with a close-range finish. That Reyes had capitalised on the fact that Glen Johnson lost his footing only added to the damage inflicted on Benitez. Johnson, after all, had been asked to play at left back for the first time at Liverpool.
For once, Liverpool's pain was also shared by Forlan's former United colleagues.
Extra time for Liverpool amounted to the stuff of nightmares for Sir Alex Ferguson's men when they need them to put up a fight against Chelsea on Sunday. Their confidence shattered by losing in the cruellest fashion imaginable - the away goals rule - Liverpool will struggle to muster any kind of response after this. The season is over and for Benitez the love affair with Liverpool might well be over too.
This did have the feel of a European farewell for the Spaniard. A last continental night for the manager who had proved something of a master when it came to European competition. Two Champions League finals, one of them ending in victory in 2005, looked like it might be followed by a third last night. But alas no. Not in this season of horrors for Benitez.
An avalanche of criticism will now follow. For that early Champions League exit; for those 10 defeats in the Barclays Premier League; for their failure to build on the progress they made the previous season when they finished a close second in the league to United. Fernando Torres might have been missing last night but it is the lack of quality in his squad that has so undermined Liverpool's ambitions. Just look at the bench they had last night. Desperate. Not a Liverpool player among them. Not for a match of this magnitude anyway.
When Aquilani struck, Benitez no doubt felt vindicated. His boy had finally come good. The Italian has been one of the many sticks Benitez has been beaten with this season. Leading the way: A typically combative Steven Gerrard powers past Paulo Assuncao, as team-mate Yossi Benayoun looks on
Injured so seriously when he arrived that he did not make an appearance in the Premier League until November, it was quickly agreed that he was no substitute for the player he was brought in to replace. The very much missed Xabi Alonso.
Aquilani was dismissed as a waste of £17million the club's American owners clearly don't have; another damning indictment of Benitez's hit-and-miss transfer policy.
But when it really mattered most, in this most absorbing of Europa League semi-finals, he produced an impressive goal to level this tie. It was only his second goal since arriving here last August, but further evidence that he is finally starting to find his feet.
How satisfied Benitez must have felt. How timely given his moan the previous day. A moan that seemed to overlook the fact that those same people he now accuses of ignoring him gave him a bumper new contract last year. That seemed to ignore the contribution his own agent has made in adding to the mystery and intrigue surrounding the possible move to Turin.
Bare cheek: Former Manchester United striker Diego Forlan celebrates his crucial strike for Atletico Madrid
When Benayoun accelerated away from Reyes in pursuit of a Javier Mascherano throw-in - he was at right back in a reshuffled side - Aquilani struck with a first-time shot that should have lifted Liverpool.
But they seemed to run out of steam as well as ideas as the second half wore on and this time they could not even complain about travel fatigue.
Benitez could point to the chance that Dirk Kuyt had already squandered, and a first-half goal that was disallowed when Daniel Agger came from an offside position to divert a Steven Gerrard free-kick past De Gea with a powerful header.
It was evidence that Liverpool did create chances.
But there was none of that fight that for so often typified Benitez's Liverpool.
None of the spirit they drew on in Istanbul and here when they met teams like Olympiakos. Benayoun took his goal beautifully, seizing on that ball from Lucas to crown a fine individual display.
But the strength and resolve they then required was missing when they needed it most. 'He comes from Uruguay, he made the Scousers cry,' was how United's fans used to sing about Forlan. At Anfield this season the tears have flowed far too often.
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